Episode 10: Wedding Rumspringa (Bachelor/ette Parties)

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Teagan and Liz try hard not to yuck anyone’s yums, but man, nothing less fun-sounding than wearing a penis hat in public. Bottom line, be kind and considerate and don’t forget that other people exist, and then after that, go have a fun party!


“How Nashville Became One Big Bachelorette Party” on Buzzfeed

“SCORNED BEEF,” The Chicago Police Blotter for St. Patrick’s Day 2018. (We wish we came up with that title.)

Episode 9: Let’s Get This Bridal Party STARTED

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Who’s your best friend? Who’s your ride-or-die, your BFF, the person you would ask to help you thwart a demon on your wedding day, or be abducted by marauders in your stead? Teagan and Liz talk how to pick the best people to protect you from the dangers of dowry-thieving demons. Or… you know… who should hold your flowers while you do the weddingy bits.