Episode 8: Wedding Movies VOL. 1

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Welcome to our cross-post with our sister podcast, So You Don’t Have To, the podcast where Teagan and Liz watch crummy movies and tell you what they’re all about so you don’t have to watch em! This time, we went BRIDAL on this b*tch, and watched not one, but TWO rom-coms relating to weddings. First, LEAP YEAR, a movie with Amy Adams and a grown-up Freddy Highmore (also known as Matthew Goode) just really hatin’ on each other until inevitably they fall in love, and then BRIDE WARS, a movie about two friends who should probably not be friends, but because they’re Anne Hathaway and Kate Hudson, they are.

Episode 7: Be Our Guest (Invitations!)

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Save the Dates and Invitations and Belly Bands and every kind of paper product you can think of, we chat about it! But not napkins. Or like, things you wipe your mouth with. THOSE paper products will be a later episode.