Episode 7: Be Our Guest (Invitations!)

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Save the Dates and Invitations and Belly Bands and every kind of paper product you can think of, we chat about it! But not napkins. Or like, things you wipe your mouth with. THOSE paper products will be a later episode.


Episode 5: Nothing Bundt Wedding Expos

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Liz and Teagan went to a Wedding Show, trying to snatch up all the free samples without paying with their information. Pros: Cake to taste, and Mac and Cheese. Cons: Pretty much… all of it?

This episode had some technical difficulties, but we felt it was important for you to hear the inside scoop!

Email us at mwicpodcast@gmail.com with your thoughts and feelings and proposed bingo card slots for wedding expos!


Episode 4: Wedding Shows, or Say Yes to the Four Weddings, But Don’t Be Tardy, Bulging Bride!

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Sometimes, when you are affianced, you want to reach out to popular media for inspiration. But let’s be real, wedding TV really leaves something to be desired. Like… compassion.

Wedding TV Shows (Wikipedia)